Delivery Information
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase you can return it for an exchange or refund, provided it is within 14 days of receipt of your order and in saleable condition.
If you are unhappy with anything about your purchase you can return the products to Didoo within 14 days of placing your order. Didoo will then exchange your purchase for another product of your choice, taking payment for, or refunding, any difference in price. Alternatively, we will refund you the full amount of your purchase.
Please note that, in order for Didoo to accept returned items, products must be ‘as new’. This means that items must be in a saleable condition and be both unwashed and unworn. If, upon receipt of your goods, you are uncertain about your purchase, Didoo strongly recommends you store your items in the original packaging until you have decided whether or not you wish to keep them.
When returning products, please ensure they are well packaged so as to avoid damage in transit, then follow the ‘How to Make a Return’ information below.
How to make a return
Please post the package back according to the following address with return form:
All UK, Europe and rest of the world returns:
Didoo Ltd
31-Buttermere Road
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom